[Paraview] isosurfaces & slices, lights/shadows

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Thu May 3 09:10:45 EDT 2018

We can't yet restrict lights to specific objects.

However you can get the effect you want by turning up the ambient
intensity and turning off the diffuse intensity on the objects you
want to be independent of the light (the slices).

See Ambient and Diffuse sliders in the GUI or from python do something
like the following:
obj = FindSource("Slice1")
rep = GetRepresentation()
rep.Diffuse = 0
rep.Ambient = 1

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
Principal Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 4:21 AM, Michael Müller
<m.mueller at recom-services.de> wrote:
> Dear users,
> I am having some problem visualizing isosurfaces/contours in combination
> with slices. Usually I switch off all lights to get nice coloring:
> /
> renderView1.UseLight = 0               # for slices etc.
> /
> (Output without isosurface attached: temp.jpg)
> When I include an isosurface using contour-filter, it looks totally 'flat',
> there are no contours or shadows visible.
> (Output with ugly isosurface attached: temp-iso-nolight.jpg)
> What I tried to do was switch on lighting and include additional lights with
> intensity 0.6 (to prevent getting too dark coloring of the slices).
> /
> renderView1.UseLight = 1               # for slices etc.
> light1 = AddLight(view=renderView1)    # for contour on isosurfaces !!!
> light1.Coords    = 'Ambient'           # position-less == camera
> light1.Intensity = 0.6                 # dim intensity [0:1]
> /
> (Output with nice isosurface attached: temp-iso-light-addlight06.jpg).
> Still the problem: while I get a nice isosurface and the vertical slice is
> looking okay, the horizontal slices are still darker than the ones in the
> default screenshot (see: temp-iso-light-addlight06.jpg vs temp.jpg).
> Is there a way, to turn on/off lights on single objects in my pipeline?
> Is it possible to include something like shading directly to the isosurface?
> Any other ideas!?
> Thanks,
> Michael
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