[Paraview] generic NetCDFreader support for CellData

Engelen, J. van (Joeri) j.vanengelen1 at uu.nl
Wed May 2 10:12:05 EDT 2018


I was wondering whether it is possible to read NetCDF files as CellData.

I have categorial data on Cartesian coordinates that I want to visualize. To be more specific, the data represents lithologies of the subsurface. So 1 = sand, 3 = clay, 5 = rock.
The problem is that my file is automatically interpreted as PointData. To render this PointData, Paraview than consequently interpolates to achieve cell values.
With most variables that is not such a problem, but here it is. If I have sand (1) overlying rock (5), Paraview shows me clay (3).

Also, the information available to me was ambiguous,
-this source says it is probably not possible:
-this states it is possible return Cell Data information:

I tried converting my data from NetCDF to a .vtr file in Python, but this resulted in more problems than solutions. (Just gave me very glitched rendering).

So I have two questions:
-Is this possible?
-Are there any workarounds you can think of to get my data as CellData in Paraview?

I'm using Paraview v5.4.1 on Windows 7.

Kind regards,
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