[Paraview] importing paraview.simple without overriding numpy

Schau, Kyle A kschau at gatech.edu
Fri Mar 16 19:54:43 EDT 2018


It is certainly possible to do this with a bit of work up front. I have done it with PV version 5.+

The steps are something like this.

1.) Install a python with UCS4 enabled
2.) place soft links to the paraview python module in your new python’s site-packages directly
3.) place a soft link to the paraview/vtk module in the site packages directory

It’s been a while since I have done this, but it is nice to just have all the power of paraview.simple in your everyday python

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From: ParaView <paraview-bounces at public.kitware.com> on behalf of Miguel Arriaga <mta2122 at columbia.edu>
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2018 7:44:53 PM
To: Shawn Waldon
Cc: ParaView list
Subject: Re: [Paraview] importing paraview.simple without overriding numpy

I guess I just wanted to simply import "paraview.simple" as I usually do with other modules that I get from pip. Perhaps I should run paraview scripts "externally" by using pvpython.

On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 1:15 PM, Shawn Waldon <shawn.waldon at kitware.com<mailto:shawn.waldon at kitware.com>> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 12:24 PM, Miguel Arriaga <mta2122 at columbia.edu<mailto:mta2122 at columbia.edu>> wrote:
Thanks Shawn,
I was just wondering, would it be possible for the developers to change the location of the paraview module such that adding the location of the module to the python path would not import all other site-packages? Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that this way we would be able to avoid these issues.

Forwarding to the list since I don't make these decisions.  For what it is worth, I feel like it increases the maintenance burden on the developers too much for a niche use case.

Please keep the mailing list in the CC.


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