[Paraview] Announcing the release of ParaView Glance

Patrick O'Leary patrick.oleary at kitware.com
Fri Jul 20 11:28:33 EDT 2018

ParaView Glance brings together the latest web technologies for interactive
scientific data visualization in your browser.  It can be launched from web
pages or from your desktop to quickly view volume rendered images,
geometries, molecules, and much more.

Kitware is committed to providing long-term support for ParaView Glance.
It builds upon years of scientific visualization experience at Kitware. It
is part of Kitware’s ParaView platform, as a lightweight, stand-alone,
web-based visualization application that compliments the powerful desktop
and web-based tools already provided by ParaView for high-performance
computing. Several sample datasets are included with ParaView Glance.  It
can be launched by visiting:


For more details see the full announcement blog at

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