[Paraview] Can I tie Z Axis Grid labels to the unscaled range of the Scalar Value used in the Warp By Scalar filter?

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Jan 30 14:14:53 EST 2018

Sounds like a bug. If you can put together a small example to
reproduce the issue and report it here [1], we can track it down.


[1] https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/issues

On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 2:13 PM, Wyatt Spear <wspear at cs.uoregon.edu> wrote:
> In theory the Data Transform should be ideal. I didn't see it before because
> I was looking at the 'Data Axes Grid' which doesn't have that option instead
> of the 'Axes Grid' which does.
> It seemed to work on less extreme scales but when I had to scale my warp by
> .00001 and set the same value to the Z Axis Data Scale the axes exploded out
> of view-ability. I'm not sure what's going on there; I had assumed that this
> would only change the labels and not the size of the axes.
> Thanks,
> Wyatt
> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 6:29 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit
> <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:
>> Another option is to use the "Data Transform" properties on the Axes
>> Grid. In the "Edit" Axes Grid dialog, if you press the gear icon to
>> show advanced properties, you'll see the "Data Transform" properties.
>> For example, if I scale my dataset by (1, 1, 10), I can set the "Data
>> Scale" to (1, 1, 10) and I'll get labels matching the original
>> unscaled range.
>> Hope that helps.
>> Utkarsh
>> On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 9:43 PM, Cory Quammen <cory.quammen at kitware.com>
>> wrote:
>> > On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 6:35 PM, Wyatt Spear <wspear at cs.uoregon.edu>
>> > wrote:
>> >> I am trying to add a 3d-component to my heat maps and it looks like the
>> >> Warp
>> >> By Scalar filter is the most straightforward way to map a scalar value
>> >> to
>> >> the Z axis. My trouble is, the labels on the Z axis grid are not
>> >> displaying
>> >> the actual range of values provided by the scalar when I change the
>> >> warp
>> >> scale factor. A scale factor of 1 gives the expected axis labels, of
>> >> course,
>> >> but puts my Z axis out of visual range. Is there a reasonable way to
>> >> tie the
>> >> Z axis labels to the range provided by the raw scalar data, so changing
>> >> the
>> >> scale factor of the warp doesn't effect Z Axis labels and their values
>> >> remain representative of my data?
>> >
>> > The axes are tied to the physical extent of the data, as you have
>> > observed, not the scalar range of the array mapped to Z. You can edit
>> > the Data Axes Grid "Z Axis Label Properties" and enable "Z Axis Use
>> > Custom Labels" to manually set the label values to those of your data
>> > array. It is not automatically tied to the scalar array range, though,
>> > but the Z labels will be independent of changes to the warp scale
>> > factor.
>> >
>> > HTH,
>> > Cory
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >> Wyatt Spear
>> >>
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>> > --
>> > Cory Quammen
>> > Staff R&D Engineer
>> > Kitware, Inc.
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