[Paraview] Display Problem

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Jan 30 13:53:46 EST 2018

X. Y.,

Your cells seem odd. Try changing the representation type to
"Wireframe", you'll see a grid. Then use spreadsheet view, in "Cell
Data" mode, clicking on each cells to see if the cell seems correct.
You have cells that form lines and hence the default "surface"
representation is failing to render it correctly.


On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 1:16 PM, Xiangyu Li <lixiangyu at mymail.mines.edu> wrote:
> Hello, guys,
> I have a problem of showing files, _broken_joint_* , n my Paraview. Please
> see them in the attachment in this email. Currently, both the version of 4.2
> and 5.* cannot work successfully on these files. My Graphic card is AMD and
> OS is Ubuntu 16.04.
> Could you help me figure out this problem.
> Thank you.
> X.Y.
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