[Paraview] Can I tie Z Axis Grid labels to the unscaled range of the Scalar Value used in the Warp By Scalar filter?

Wyatt Spear wspear at cs.uoregon.edu
Mon Jan 29 18:35:34 EST 2018

I am trying to add a 3d-component to my heat maps and it looks like the
Warp By Scalar filter is the most straightforward way to map a scalar value
to the Z axis. My trouble is, the labels on the Z axis grid are not
displaying the actual range of values provided by the scalar when I change
the warp scale factor. A scale factor of 1 gives the expected axis labels,
of course, but puts my Z axis out of visual range. Is there a reasonable
way to tie the Z axis labels to the range provided by the raw scalar data,
so changing the scale factor of the warp doesn't effect Z Axis labels and
their values remain representative of my data?

Wyatt Spear
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