[Paraview] Save Animation option in ParaView 5.4.0 vs 5.3.0

Van Moer, Mark W mvanmoer at illinois.edu
Fri Jan 26 10:33:53 EST 2018

I forgot to mention that I can write out the number of frames I want if I use Sequence instead of Snap to TimeSteps, however, then an Annotate Time source will show an interpolated time based on the sequence rather than the actual timesteps. If there's a work around for that behavior I could do that instead.

From: Van Moer, Mark W
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2018 9:18 AM
To: ParaView <paraview at paraview.org>
Subject: Save Animation option in ParaView 5.4.0 vs 5.3.0


In ParaView 5.3.0 and earlier, when Animation mode was Snap to TimeSteps, in the Save Animation dialog box there was an option for No. of Frames / timestep. This doesn't show up in the 5.4.0 dialog box. Was this just moved or was it removed completely?

My use case for this is a data set with 25 timesteps, each of which is on the order of either 5 minutes or 30 minutes apart in real world time. I'd render 30 frames / timestep to get a 25 second movie to show each discrete timestep for one second. The video should show those discrete jumps in time and not use interpolation.

I can do the frame replication in BASH but it was handy to have that option.

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