[Paraview] Plain text data with white space delimiters; Use raw array as axis/variables

Liang Wang frank0734 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 08:33:55 EST 2018

Hi All,

1) Does the ParaView GUI read a plain text file with white space as
2) Can ParaView use a giving 1d array as an axis?

My problem:

I have a plain text data file, each column is a different variable, and
delimiters are white space, e.g.,

x y z variable1 variable 2

Is there a way to read such a file and use x, y, z as coordinates of the
resulting variables?

For example, in TecPlot you can read in such a file and set axises to use
the x, y, z (or any other named variables).

For 1), does ParaView have an extra setting to set common options for plain
text data like delimiter, header, skiprow, etc.?

For 2), it appears to me that in ParaView all field/cell data is associated
with a predefined axis, so it is not that straightforward to use a raw
array as axis or as variable, though this is possible in the Python
interface. Is this correct.


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