[Paraview] How to insert annotate time info into catalyst?

Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu (BE) u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr
Thu Jan 25 03:59:33 EST 2018

Hi Seongmo,

I am using following steps to add annotation to Catalyst,

1 - Create a ProgrammableFilter
2 - Add following code to it (don’t forget to modify epoc)

import paraview.simple
import paraview.servermanager
import datetime
import locale

# get output port and copy it to input
out = self.GetOutput()

# define epoc
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, "en_US")
epoc = datetime.datetime(1949, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0)

# get time value
tval = self.GetInput().GetInformation().Get(out.DATA_TIME_STEP())

# find time by adding hours
#t1 = epoc+datetime.timedelta(seconds=tval)
t1 = epoc+datetime.timedelta(hours=tval)
tstr = t1.strftime(“%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S UTC")

# output
label = vtk.vtkStringArray()
label.SetValue(0, t1)

3 - Add AnnotateGlobalData1 and select “TimeLabel” as array (needs 
MergeBlocks filter in case of multiblock datasets)

You could modify the section related with generation of time string for 
your needs. I hope it helps.



On 25.01.2018 00:56, Andy Bauer wrote:
> Hi Seongmo,
> Please keep the conversations on the mailing list so that anyone can 
> follow along or participate. Also, these types of things often get 
> lost in my inbox when they don't make it back to the ParaView mailing 
> list.
> What version of ParaView Catalyst are you using? I think the annotate 
> time filter should work with Catalyst but I haven't verified that. I 
> vaguely remember others using that filter with Catalyst though. Also, 
> I think the colormap bug was fixed. If you have a way of sharing a 
> sample that demonstrates either of those bugs I can try taking a look 
> at the issue.
> Best,
> Andy
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 6:40 PM, Seong Mo Yeon <seongmo.yeon at gmail.com 
> <mailto:seongmo.yeon at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Dear Andy Bauer
>     I have a quick question.
>     Is it possible to have annotate time filter processed in catalyst
>     adaptor? Current my code cannot that filter.
>     BTW, image extracted from catalyst looks different from render
>     view of paraview at the time of writing a script. e.g., pressure
>     colormap legend is missing.
>     Regards
>     Seongmo
>     On 2018년 1월 18일 AM 1:17 +0900, Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com
>     <mailto:andy.bauer at kitware.com>>, wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     My guess is that the TimeStep isn't getting set properly in the
>>     adaptor (though it looks like it should be in
>>     "dataDescription->SetTimeData(runTime.value(),
>>     runTime.deltaTValue());"). My suggestion would be to add in the
>>     following to either the RequestDataDescription() or
>>     DoCoProcessing() methods in the python script to see what
>>     Catalyst thinks the time step is:
>>         print("In script2.py, the data time step is ",
>>     datadescription.GetTimeStep())
>>     On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 9:57 AM, SeongMo <seongmo.yeon at gmail.com
>>     <mailto:seongmo.yeon at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>         I wrote a OpenFOAM adaptor for Catalyst.
>>         In the ParaView, the connection is made good and shows
>>         filtered flow field as written in the python script.
>>         However, filename_%t and image_%t is not expanded as time
>>         marching but just write filename_0 and image_0.png.
>>         As far as I know, %t should be replaced with current time as
>>         given in dataDescription->SetTimeData.
>>         Any help would be appreciated.
>>         FYI, python script is attached and snippet of my OpenFOAM
>>         Adaptor code for Catalyst is as follows:
>>         // icoFoam.C
>>         #ifdef USE_CATALYST
>>             Foam::HashTable<string> options = args.options();
>>             IStringStream is(options["scriptList"]);
>>             wordList scriptList = readList<word>(is);
>>             OFAdaptor::Initialize(scriptList, mesh);
>>         #endif
>>             while (runTime.loop())
>>             {
>>                 runTime.write();
>>         #ifdef USE_CATALYST
>>                 OFAdaptor::CoProcess(mesh, runTime);
>>         #endif
>>             }
>>         #ifdef USE_CATALYST
>>             OFAdaptor::Finalize();
>>         #endif
>>         // OFAdaptor.C
>>         void CoProcess(Foam::fvMesh& mesh, Foam::Time& runTime)
>>         {
>>         vtkNew<vtkCPDataDescription> dataDescription;
>>         dataDescription->AddInput("input");
>>         dataDescription->SetTimeData(runTime.value(),
>>         runTime.deltaTValue());
>>                if (runTime.end())
>>                {
>>                    // assume that we want to all the pipelines to execute
>>                    // if it is the last time step
>>         dataDescription->ForceOutputOn();
>>                }
>>                if
>>         (Processor->RequestDataDescription(dataDescription.GetPointer())
>>         != 0)
>>                {
>>         Foam::polyMesh::readUpdateState meshState = mesh.readUpdate();
>>                    if(meshState != Foam::polyMesh::UNCHANGED)
>>                    {
>>                        BuildVTKGrid(mesh);
>>                    }
>>                    UpdateVTKAttributes(mesh);
>>         dataDescription->GetInputDescriptionByName("input")->SetGrid(multiBlockDataSet);
>>         Processor->CoProcess(dataDescription.GetPointer());
>>                }
>>         }
>>         --
>>         SeongMo Yeon, Ph.D, Senior Engineer
>>         Offshore Hydrodynamics Research
>>         Central Research Institute
>>         E-mail : seongmo.yeon at gmail.com <mailto:seongmo.yeon at gmail.com>
>>         Tel :
>>         --------------------------------------------------------
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