[Paraview] Error when trying to turn on Volume Rendering for large tetrahedral data in ParaView 5.4.1

Hennessey, Joseph G CTR USARMY RDECOM ARL (US) joseph.g.hennessey2.ctr at mail.mil
Wed Jan 24 15:16:48 EST 2018


I am experiencing an error with volume rendering very large
tetrahedral data with ParaView version  5.4.1.

The data is loaded properly and the surface representation works,
but when I change the representation to Volume, I get the standard 
dialog below to which I respond "Yes" 

'This will change the representation type to "Volume".
That may take a while, depending on your dataset. Are you sure?'

I am tested this on two of the HPC supercomputer systems
while connected to a remote server with multiple compute nodes,
communicating over MPI. I have verified, I am not running out of memory
 on the compute nodes or on the client but on large data,
(over 40 million or so tetrahedrons) the compute nodes will crash
without any error messages and the remote connection will drop,
running out of memory would cause a similar failure, but as far as
I can tell, that is not the case here.

I wanted to see if anyone else had hit this problem, before I try building 
debug versions of the software and using a debugger on them,
to trace the failure down more thoroughly.

The data has 4 vectors and a scalar defined at each tetrahedron,
and it renders fine with smaller subsets (less than 20 million
or so tetrahedron). I would like to be able to scale up to a billion
tetrahedrons eventually, so a 40 million limit is a problem.

I suspect that there might be an issue in 
where some buffer is maybe 32 bit instead of 64 bit,
but I have not confirmed this.

Has anyone already solved this problem yet?



Joseph G. Hennessey Ph.D., SAIC
Army Research Lab
DOD Supercomputing Resource Center
Email:  joseph.g.hennessey2.ctr at mail.mil

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