[Paraview] Reading group of pvti files: vtkImageData is static over time

Cory Quammen cory.quammen at kitware.com
Wed Jan 24 10:16:10 EST 2018

Hi Ahmad,

Please see Mathieu Westphal's comment on the issue you created.


On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 9:02 AM, Ahmad . <super_achie at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello again,
> Could someone please confirm this to be a bug, or otherwise tell me how it
> could be resolved?
> The problem is that my vtkImageData object changes in size over time, but
> visually it stays the same when I import it in ParaView as a group and play
> it as an animation.
> Please see https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/issues/17732 for a
> reproducer and a screenshot of the problem.
> Best,
> Ahmad
> ________________________________
> Van: Ahmad . <super_achie at hotmail.com>
> Verzonden: dinsdag 9 januari 2018 14:30
> Aan: paraview at paraview.org
> Onderwerp: Re: Reading group of pvti files: vtkImageData is static over time
> Sorry wrong link in my last e-mail. This is the correct one:
> https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/issues/17732
> ________________________________
> Van: Ahmad . <super_achie at hotmail.com>
> Verzonden: dinsdag 9 januari 2018 14:27
> Aan: paraview at paraview.org
> Onderwerp: Re: Reading group of pvti files: vtkImageData is static over time
> Was about to create a new question about this, but I remembered I had asked
> it already a few months back ;-)
> However I didn't receive a reply unfortunately.
> Does anyone have a clue? I also opened an issue about this on gitlab:
> https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/issues/17698
> There are also the files that demonstrate the issue.
> Cheers!
> ________________________________
> Van: A . <super_achie at hotmail.com>
> Verzonden: donderdag 14 september 2017 17:41
> Aan: paraview at paraview.org
> Onderwerp: Reading group of pvti files: vtkImageData is static over time
> Hello,
> I have a vtkImageData object that I write (with a XMLPImageDataWriter) every
> time step to a pvti file.
> When I open the group of output_*.pvti files, properties like X, Y, Z extent
> and range do not change as I animate over time.
> But when I open the actual files I can see that these values in fact are
> different.
> And if I open the files individually (for example output_99.pvti) these
> properties are displayed correctly in ParaView.
> The problem appears when I open them as a group; it then keeps the
> properties of the first file.
> Does anyone else has this issue, and is there a way to solve this?
> Best,
> Ahmad
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Cory Quammen
Staff R&D Engineer
Kitware, Inc.

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