[Paraview] Parallel Paraview Large Size Animations

Stegmeier, Nicholas Nicholas.Stegmeier at sdstate.edu
Sun Jan 21 02:40:19 EST 2018


I recently tried to create a large animation using parallel paraview with 40 cores, but I received this error:

"ERROR: In paraview/paraview-v5.4.1/VTK/Common/Core/vtkGenericDataArray.txx, line 442

vtkIdTypeArray(0x2aaabc66a8e0): Unable to allocate 131071 elements of size 8 bytes."

More details:

  *   I have 500 time steps, 192 files for each timestep (was run on 192 processors), and the total domain is roughly size 60x80x130.
  *   The files rectilinear vtk format (pvtr/vtr)
  *   I made the animation by loading all the data files into Paraview and using "export animation". The resultion was roughly 1200x800 at 8 frames/sec.

Is there any way I can make such a large animation?

Thank you,

Nick Stegmeier
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