[Paraview] Reading netCDF files Earth models

Manochehr Bahavar manoch at iris.washington.edu
Wed Jan 17 19:12:06 EST 2018


Thanks for your reply. The problem with that approach is that all the features I am interested in make sense if they are plotted on a sphere (they approximate the Earth surface). So, there is no builtin solution for that?

One more question: How can I access the actual latitude, longitude and depth parameter values using Python. I can see their extent and bounds, but I can not see how I can access the individual values:

(0.0, 359.0, -89.0, 89.0, -2750.0, 50.0)
(360, 179, 57)
(0, 359, 0, 178, 0, 56)
(179.5, 0.0, -1350.0)

Really appreciate your help


> On Jan 17, 2018, at 3:57 PM, Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov> wrote:
> Manochehr,
> If you uncheck the “Spherical Coordiantes” option, then the longitude, latitude, and depth values will be preserved as x, y, and z coordinates. (Instead of translated to a sphere, the data will appear in a rectangle.)
> -Ken
> On 1/17/18, 4:34 PM, "ParaView on behalf of Manochehr Bahavar" <paraview-bounces at paraview.org on behalf of manoch at iris.washington.edu> wrote:
>    Hello,
>    I am trying to see if I can visualize my netCDF Earth models (longitude, latitude,depth) using ParaView. I have been able to load the models, with the "Spherical Coordinates" option selected. However it appears that I now lose my coordinates and depth values and as a result to extract a subset, I have to use the depth index (not the actual depth value). Is there a way to preserve the latitude, longitude and depth values and work with ParaView using the actual values (not their index) directly?
>    Thank you,
>    —manoch
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