[Paraview] Fwd: multivariate transfer function?

Dale Braden khaafra at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 19:24:20 EST 2018


Having looked at the docs and explored the UI, I can't tell whether
Paraview can do what I want.  I have some scalar field data on a regular
grid.  I import that into Paraview and then use the Gradient filter to
calculate the gradient of this data.  Now what I want to do is query both
of these data sets and plot the scalar field data only if it falls within a
certain range of values AND its gradient also falls within a certain
range.  I can imagine doing this either by writing a filter to create a
third data set which contains only those points which pass the test, but
neither the Calculator nor the Custom Filter seem to let me do that.  Or I
could create the plot more directly by creating a multivariate transfer
function, but I can't find any way to do that in the UI.  Can Paraview do
this kind of thing from within the UI?

Eventually I will want to add the Laplacian and be able to query all 3
field properties in order to determine what to plot, but for now I thought
I would work on the simpler 2-variable case.

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