[Paraview] PV client-server: browsing remote files

Robert Sawko robertsawko at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 14:05:08 EST 2018


I will bump my own post from a month back (see below) and just will answer the
question in case anyone else was looking for something similar. I haven't found
a way to remotely navigate the file system through ParaView Python API objects,
but of course there are other Python packages which can achieve that. I used
paramiko. Below is my minimal example.

    from paraview.simple import LegacyVTKReader, RenameSource, Connect
    from paramiko import SSHClient, AutoAddPolicy

    This script extracts the output of a remote ls command with to feed into
    a LegacyVTKReader. The main use is it to make a collection of VTK files 
    into a time sequence inside PV.

    # Inputs:
    host = 'remote.host.com'
    port = 22
    username = 'me'
    key_filename = '/path/to/private/key'

    pvhost = 'localhost'    # I typically run pvserver through an ssh tunnel so
    pvport = 22227          # these are the parameters for local port forward

    data_dir = '/path/to/data/on/remote'

    # SSH part
    # to get a list of files to open
    client = SSHClient()

        host, port=port,

    stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(
        'ls -1 {0}'.format(data_dir))
    lslines = stdout.readlines()

    # ParaView part
    Connect('localhost', 22227)
    reader = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=[
         'data/{0}'.format(l.strip()) for l in lslines])
    RenameSource('source', reader)

Hope this helps someone!

On 12/01/17 at 07:18pm, Robert Sawko wrote:
> Dear ParaViewers,
> I am trying to use Python shell in Client-Server mode, but I am running into
> some difficulties. How can I actually browse the remote directories. I tried
> to use the `os` module, but that obviously ends up being all local. Here's a
> minimal example of what I am trying to achieve.
>         from paraview.simple import Connect, LegacyVTKReader
>         from os import listdir
>         Connect('my_server', port)
>         location = '/my/remote/location/'
>         file_names = listdir(location).sort()
>         reader = LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=file_names)
> Please let me know if it's at all possible to query the directory on the remote
> side through an established connection.
> Many thanks,
> Robert
> -- 
> Seems like the famous poem of turbulence comes from Jonathan Swift
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Siphonaptera

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