[Paraview] Extract Point Data | Nearest Neighbor Location

Fastl, Thomas thomas.fastl at kcl.ac.uk
Fri Aug 3 11:41:25 EDT 2018

Dear Community,

I've got an UNSTRUCTURED_GRID (vtk-file 1) with POINT_DATA and want to extract the POINT_DATA at specific POINTS. However, the POINTS are defined in POLYDATA (vtk-file 2) and are slightly off by some rounding error. Thus, I presume the process should look similar to:

1) Find the nearest neighbors of all POINTS defined in vtk-file 2 in vtk-file 1

2) Transfer/Store the POINT_DATA of the nearest neighbors in vtk-file 1

I've been searching the forum for hours, however, couldn't find a solution to that problem. I was wondering if there's a simple solution of doing this in Paraview? I'd really appreciate your help on this issue, thank you!

Best, Thomas

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