[Paraview] Simple 2D plots

David Ortley djortley at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 18:47:55 EDT 2018

Also consider using the Delaunay2D filter on the TableToPoints filter
instead of messing around with changing the point size.

-David Ortley

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 4:44 PM, David Ortley <djortley at gmail.com> wrote:

> I think the TableToPoints filter is what you want.  There's a checkbox
> where you can tell the data to be 2D that is below where you assign columns
> to X, Y and Z coordinates.
> What happens is that the x, y and z columns get removed from the table and
> a new point type is generated (yes, Z will get removed even if you select
> only 2D points), so either redundantly assign the Z column to one of your
> first two columns (so, X Column and Z Column are both set to the 'x' or
> first column, which will be harmless in this case), or select 'Keep All
> Data Arrays' which will keep the columns values around for coloring.
> Note that with 2D points, the Render View SHOULD go to '2D', but it
> sometimes doesn't.  There's a '3D' in small text at the top of the render
> view that will go to '2D' if you click it.  Then hit the 'Set View
> Direction -Z' glyph in the top bar.
> Play with the Point Size var to fill in the gaps.  And the mouse works
> slightly differently in 2D, so you'll have to develop new muscle memory. :)
> -David Ortley
> On Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 1:21 PM, eric greenwade <eric.greenwade at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> OK, a little embarrassing to ask, but the answer is needed. I'm trying to
>> do old fashioned, 2D plots. Data is (x,y,z) and even though its in an ascii
>> csv file, the (x,y) are structured rectilinear (uniform actually). I've
>> added a dummy third coord (all 0s) and then plotted as 3D, but this seems
>> like a kludge.
>> I'd like to do the some of the basic 2D plots with this data: heatmaps
>> were z is used for color table value, contouring on z and elevation plots
>> were z is height. Not all three at once.
>> I'm sure this is an RTFM, but I've looked. If someone could provide
>> pointers, references, suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
>> thanks,
>> -eric
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