[Paraview] Read a custom point stored in ply file

Albert Mosella-Montoro albert.mosella at upc.edu
Wed Apr 25 11:15:03 EDT 2018

Hi Utkarsh,

Looking at the PLY reader in VTK, it looks like it doesn't support
> custom point fields. I've reported an issue here:
> https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/issues/18136

Thank you!

> If your data is just a collection of points with fields, a simple CSV
> maybe be easier than PLY.  After opening a CSV, you can use the "Table
> To Points" to interpret the rows as points with fields associated with
> them.

In fact I am working like this at this moment. I would like to move to ply
files but if at this moment is not possible I will wait.

> Also, what does a PLC format look like? It may be possible to use a
> Python programmable filter to directly reader in the PLC without any
> conversion if the format is simple.

Sorry I wrote wrong the format is not plc is pcd.  I think is very similar
to ply http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/pcd_file_format.php.
In my case insted of X Y Z RGB I will have X Y Z DX DY DZ fields.

The motivation of the change to ply or pcd is because ply or pcd have a bin
version of the files and I am looking for a standard bin file that paraview
can manage. Can you recommend me any binary file that paraview can manage
without issues with custom parameters like on my case?


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