[Paraview] Periodic Mesh for Particle Tracking

da1910 douglas.addy10 at imperial.ac.uk
Fri Apr 20 08:07:12 EDT 2018


I've taken a look back through this mailing list and it seems as though 
someone was trying to implement periodic boundaries in particle tracking 
before (back in 2013). The previous advice was that it wasn't something 
available directly in Paraview, rather it needed to be implemented in VTK.

I'd be interested in going down this route if it is indeed the only way, 
I'd welcome any guidance or pointers.

My situation is that I have labeled boundaries that I can extract with a 
extract surface -> threshold, and I want to track my particles as they 
leave one edge and reappear on the other edge (the mesh points on one 
boundary line up with those on the other boundary).

Many thanks,

Doug Addy

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