[Paraview] Stacking two arrays to define geometry causes warning

Andreyev, Andrey andrey.andreyev at corvidtec.com
Thu Apr 19 12:24:03 EDT 2018

Within XDMF, I'm using a join function to plot a line between my master and
slave nodes. I explicitly write the topology piece. Everything seems to
work fine, but it throws the following error every time....

ERROR: In /home/shelf1/hpc_shared/motorsports/software/
Visualization/source/paraview/VTK/IO/Xdmf2/vtkXdmfHeavyData.cxx, line 351
vtkXdmfReader (0x14202b0): Cannot find DataItem element in geometry xml, no
caching possible

Given that everything seems to function the way it's supposed, is this a
bug in the error checking?

The join piece of the xml is below:

<Geometry GeometryType="XYZ">
            <DataItem ItemType="Function" Function="JOIN($0; $1)"
Dimensions="1126 3" Format="HDF5" DataType="Float">
              <DataItem DataType="Float" Dimensions="563 3" Format="HDF5"
Name="Nodes" Precision="8">velodyne.2.xvld:/
              <DataItem DataType="Float" Dimensions="563 3" Format="HDF5"
Name="Nodes" Precision="8">velodyne.2.xvld:/

Thank you!

Andrey V. Andreyev
CORVID Technologies
145 Overhill Dr
Mooresville, NC 28117
704-799-6944 x172
andrey.andreyev at corvidtec.com
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