[Paraview] CMake error from VTKConfig.cmake

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Sun Apr 15 10:40:39 EDT 2018


What openSuse version are you building on? I'll see if I can reproduce
using the same version Docker image, if available. Will make it easier
to track down.


On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 7:08 AM, Christoph Grüninger <foss at grueninger.de> wrote:
> Dear ParaView community,
> I tried to update openSuse's ParaView RPM. Unfortunately I get the
> following CMake error.
>> CMake Error at build/VTK/ThirdParty/vtkm/vtk-m/lib/cmake/paraview-5.5/vtkm/VTKmConfig.cmake:289:
>>   Parse error.  Function missing ending ")".  Instead found unterminated
>>   string with text ")
>>     endif()
>>   endforeach()
>>   check_required_components(VTKm)
>>   ".
>> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>>   build/VTK/VTKConfig.cmake:92 (find_package)
>>   CMake/ParaViewModuleTop.cmake:89 (include)
>>   CMakeLists.txt:676 (include)
>> CMake Error at build/VTK/VTKConfig.cmake:92 (find_package):
>>   find_package Error reading CMake code from
>>   "/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/ParaView-v5.5.0/build/VTK/ThirdParty/vtkm/vtk-m/lib/cmake/paraview-5.5/vtkm/VTKmConfig.cmake".
>> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>>   CMake/ParaViewModuleTop.cmake:89 (include)
>>   CMakeLists.txt:676 (include)
> Can someone please have a look whether it is a bug or a wrong
> configuration from openSuse? The CMake call is
> %cmake  -DPV_INSTALL_LIB_DIR:PATH=%{_lib}/%{name} \
>         -DVTK_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=include/%{name} \
>         -DVTK_INSTALL_ARCHIVE_DIR:PATH=%{_lib}/%{name} \
>         -DVTK_INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR:PATH=%{_lib}/%{name} \
>         -DVTK_INSTALL_DATA_DIR=share/%{name} \
>         -DVTK_INSTALL_DOC_DIR=share/doc/packages/%{name} \
> Unrelated, but still irritating are dozens of CMake warnings like:
>> CMake Warning (dev) at build/VTK/ThirdParty/vtkm/vtk-m/lib/cmake/paraview-5.5/vtkm/VTKmConfig.cmake:278:
>>   Syntax Warning in cmake code at column 25
>>   Argument not separated from preceding token by whitespace.
>> Call Stack (most recent call first):
>>   build/VTK/VTKConfig.cmake:92 (find_package)
>>   CMake/ParaViewModuleTop.cmake:89 (include)
>>   CMakeLists.txt:676 (include)
>> This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
> Bye
> Christoph
> --
> Unfortunately, plots are notoriously hard to get right. Partly, the
> default settings of programs like gnuplot or Excel are to blame for
> this since these programs make it very convenient to create bad plots.
>                         -- Till Tantau, "The TikZ and PGF Packages"
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