[Paraview] vtkPointDataToCellData but only for selected PointData

Dennis Conklin dennis_conklin at goodyear.com
Tue Apr 10 10:07:58 EDT 2018


Well, this list solved my problem so easily (and made me feel slightly less than the sharpest pencil in the box) yesterday, so I thought I'd try again.

I am doing some Python calcs inside a programmable filter and some of the results I want to average from the Points onto the Cells.   But,  I don't want all my PointData moved over to CellData - I want to transfer some of them over within my Filter.

Right now I'm looping thru all the elements and finding all their nodes, then averaging them and assigning to the cells.  It is dog slow and is choking off the usefulness of this filter.

Is there anything like vtkPointDataToCellData that lets me specify which quantities to convert - could I do something tricky like store original list of PointData, make up a new list, then run PointDataToCellData, then restore the list of PointData ??

I realize this may have all sorts of unexpected side effects, so I'm just asking!

Thanks again, this group is great!

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