[Paraview] ParaView session state

eduardo at berrocal.info eduardo at berrocal.info
Tue Sep 26 13:44:21 EDT 2017

Thanks Aron !!

September 26, 2017 10:33 AM, "Aron Helser"  wrote:
 Hi Eduardo,
I think you've basically got it, but the state is more complicated than you think. Basically everything has a vtkSMProxy, and those proxies contain the state of the pipeline, representation, and views. Anything that is modified from the defaults gets saved in the state file. The vtkSMSessionProxyManager is the root of a session, as you've found.  
The input data is saved in the state file as absolute paths, and you do need the input data. When you read state, it has that intelligent option to search for the data files in another directory... 
I've just been learning this stuff trying to add dynamic lights to ParaView, so hopefully I'm close :) 
HTH, Regards, 
On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 12:33 PM,  wrote:
Hello list,

Where is the data structure(s) in the code where all the objects for the state of a particular ParaView session are kept while it is running?. I have been reading the code, and I think it should be in the "internals" of vtkSMSessionProxyManager, but I am unsure. As far as I understand, the state (which can be saved to XML) is all it takes to recreate a session (Am I right here? Probably you need the input data as well, right?).

Thanks for the help!,

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