[Paraview] Accessing particles generated by ParticleTracer

Van Moer, Mark W mvanmoer at illinois.edu
Mon Sep 25 18:09:37 EDT 2017

Looks like I'd have to get at the std::vector<ParticleInformation> ParticleVector that's inherited from vtkParticleTracerBase? I'm guessing that's not exposed by the proxy.

From: Van Moer, Mark W
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 2:25 PM
To: ParaView <paraview at paraview.org>
Subject: Accessing particles generated by ParticleTracer

Hi ParaView,

Is it possible to get at the individual particles generated by ParticleTracer? I've been handed a mesh with a velocity field and an implied particle sink. I'd like to delete any particles that wander within a certain radius of that sink. My thought was if I could get at the array holding the particles I could check each distance and delete as necessary.

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