[Paraview] Paraview MIP viewer

Enoch Yejune Pae pyj3004 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 03:50:53 EDT 2017

Hi everyone, 

I am struggling with the paraview MIP viewer (Maximum Intensity Projection Viewer) right now. 
I know the basic settings in paraview doesn’t have the mip viewer designed in it, so I compiled it from the source code, and added the blend mode in the volume rendering, to allow the mip viewer.

Once I’ve finished the compilation, Under Volume representation, there are 4 modes of Volume Rendering. Smart, Ray Cast Only, GPU Based, and OSPRay Based. The other three seems to be different modes, and the Smart mode seems to be the best match of mode the app automatically selects for you. 

I have two different mac os’s, Sierra and Yosemite. 
The GPU Based volume rendering works fine for my Sierra OS, and gives great quality of the MIP viewer, 
however it does not work in my Yosemite OS. 
The other 2 modes of Volume Rendering do not even work in either OS’s. 

Has anyone encountered any similar problem?
They both have good graphic cards. 

Is it really just a problem of the OS? or is there anyone who solved any problems concerning the MIP viewer, please let me know.


Enoch Pae

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