[Paraview] unable to RGB voxel from tiff/jpeg slice to volume

joe kozak lentilwallop at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 30 20:14:09 EST 2017

grabbed frames from a standard youtube color video via ffmpeg
used something like $    ./imageSeriesToVolume -sz 1.0 -o test.vtk -i input*.jpeg
loaded test.vtk in paraview 5.0.1 and also paraview 5.4.1
on information tab i see:   scalars  unsigned char [33,239]

"Map Scalars"  on or off I get no RGB colored voxels, of course, because there is only one datum of type unsigned char.

Where are the other two scalars?!?

The important part you will ask me is here:

 91   io->SetFileName (filenames[0].c_str());
 92   io->ReadImageInformation();
 94   if (io->GetNumberOfDimensions()==2) {
 96     typedef itk::Image<unsigned char, 3>      ImageType;
 97     typedef itk::ImageSeriesReader<ImageType> SeriesReaderType;
100     SeriesReaderType::Pointer reader = SeriesReaderType::New();
101     std::cout << "Adding:\n";
102     for (unsigned int i=0; i<filenames.size(); i++)
103     {
104       std::cout << filenames[i] << std::endl;
105       reader->AddFileName ( filenames[i].c_str() );
106     }

Looks pretty standard, but no 3 scalar datums for an RGB voxel for non-false-colored volume.
It is perported to work, and all other examples i see are none different from the code i used to generate a .vtk file.

I cannot use IsoVolume If I load the jpegs directly in paraview,  but I can get RGB color voxels.
The GOAL is to use IsoVolume on a volume of RGB points from frames from a video sequence.
I have tried on and off for MANY YEARS to figure this out...    (its for an art project, metalcasting &3d Printing)
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