[Paraview] server-side InvokeEvent(...) doesn't call client-side observer

Kolja Petersen petersenkolja at gmail.com
Thu Nov 23 12:57:22 EST 2017

Can anybody answer my question?
When Catalyst receives the next timestep update from some simulation every
few seconds or minutes, it sends its data to the pvserver process. The
pvserver somehow notifies the Paraview client, which will display the new
If Utkarsh's comment is correct that no events can be forwarded from server
to client, then how does Paraview know that it should display the next

I need to implement a very similar use case, for which a better
understanding of the communication between the Catalyst session, the
pvserver and the Paraview client is of high importance.

On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 7:54 PM, Kolja Petersen <petersenkolja at gmail.com>

> Oh, well, but how is Catalyst forwarding new time step information from
> server to client?
> Time step updates can occur at any time. Which event mechanism notifies
> the client?
> Thanks
> Kolja
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 6:57 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit <
> utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:
>> This is not a use-case supported in ParaView. We don't forward events
>> from server to client.
>> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 12:53 PM, Kolja Petersen <petersenkolja at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I would like to invoke a callback on a proxy in a pvpython session from
>>> a server-side method.
>>> In my server-side class "vtkCustom" I have a method
>>> void vtkCustom::SetData(int i){
>>>   ...
>>>   this->InvokeEvent(1999,NULL);
>>>   ...
>>> }
>>> On the client side, I create a proxy to a vtkCustom object, register an
>>> observer and set the "Data" property, which should invoke eventid=1999:
>>> ...
>>> custom=pxm.NewProxy("myextensions","Custom")
>>> pxm.RegisterProxy("myextensions","Custom",custom)
>>> def fun(obj,event):
>>>   print "CALLBACK",obj,event
>>> custom.AddObserver(1999,fun)
>>> vtk.vtkSMPropertyHelper(custom.GetProperty("Data")).Set(42)
>>> ...
>>> The observer function "fun" on the client is never invoked, although the
>>> server-side invokes that event. I'm misunderstanding some concept of
>>> Paraviews event mechanism for sure. Can you help me correct my steps?
>>> Thanks
>>> Kolja
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