[Paraview] boolean mesh filtering

Mauldin, Jeffrey A. jamauld at sandia.gov
Mon Nov 20 15:18:13 EST 2017

I have a need to do a Boolean intersection of two unstructured multiblock datasets.  It so happens in this case that the underlying element sets are polygonal meshes, so in this particular case I could also do what I want with a Boolean intersection of two polygonal meshes.  To be (hopefully) redundant, I have two meshes which share some points and cells and each of which have other points and cells which are not shared.  I would like a new mesh which consists of all the points and cells that are in both of these meshes.  I need this to work properly in parallel.

I know enough to create a python-based filter (python programmable filter) to create this operation, but are there already existing Boolean mesh operations, and if not would those be a useful thing to add?

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