[Paraview] [EXTERNAL] Re: pvbatch

Scott, W Alan wascott at sandia.gov
Thu Nov 16 16:44:14 EST 2017

OK, this … sort of  … worked.  I was able to use the Kitware download (Yay!).  I called pvbatch (surprisingly, it was built by Kitware for Linux), and then used flags --mesa-llvm and --use-offscreen-rendering.  I believe --use-offscreen-rendering will be replaced in the future by --force-offscreen-rendering in PV 5.5.0.

Thanks Cory, and everyone else that chimed in.


From: Cory Quammen <cory.quammen at kitware.com>
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 10:46 AM
To: W Scott <wascott at sandia.gov>
Cc: Ben Boeckel <ben.boeckel at kitware.com>, "paraview at paraview.org" <paraview at paraview.org>
Subject: Re: [Paraview] [EXTERNAL] Re: pvbatch


You should be able to run

pvpython --force-offscreen-rendering script.py

and no render window will appear. The help for --force-offscreen-rendering says:

  "If supported by the build and platform, create headless (offscreen) render windows for rendering results."

I believe this should work on linux systems, but you should try it out on the system on which you want to force offscreen rendering just to be sure before using it to produce classified images.

pvbatch running the same script will indeed not pop up a render window even without the --force-offscreen-rendering option.

Let us know how it goes,

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Scott, W Alan <wascott at sandia.gov<mailto:wascott at sandia.gov>> wrote:
I believe this is a change from the past.  Here is what I desire – how do I get it?

I want to run pv(pythonScript).  I want it to produce output.  I want it to run off screen, not showing on the console display or current display.  This is especially important on classified systems.  MPI is not available.

Not too long ago, my understanding was this was pvbatch.  pvpython used either the console display or current display as it’s rendering space.  This does not catch my needs.


On 11/13/17, 9:04 AM, "Ben Boeckel" <ben.boeckel at kitware.com<mailto:ben.boeckel at kitware.com>> wrote:

    On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 22:42:29 +0000, Scott, W Alan wrote:
    > What are the magic cmake switches, for superbuild, that are used to
    > build a non MPI, Mesa version of pvbatch?  Where is this documented?

    pvpython is the non-MPI version of pvbatch. The superbuild docs could
    probably be improved here. Currently, the mention is:

        ParaView supports multiple rendering engines including `egl`,
        `mesa`, `osmesa`, and `qt5`. All of these are incompatible with each
        other. If none of these are chosen, a UI-less ParaView will be built
        (basically just `pvpython`). On Windows and macOS, only the `qt5`
        rendering engine is available.


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Cory Quammen
Staff R&D Engineer
Kitware, Inc.
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