[Paraview] XDMF file with multiple temporal collections

Nicolas Cedilnik nicolas.cedilnik at inria.fr
Thu Nov 16 09:49:51 EST 2017

Hello all,

I'm trying to generate a valid (at least, well-read by paraview) XDMF 
file. It represents a single topology/geometry, with multiple scalars, 
varying over time.

I've attached the file I'm trying to read with paraview. It behaves 
almost as I want, but oddly enough, only with scalars tagged as 
"partial" by paraview.

One of the scalars "animation", the first one in the XDMF file, is 
completely buggy, possibly with values from other scalars.

Is there something wrong with my XDMF file or is this a bug in paraview?

Thanks for your help,

-- Nicolas

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