[Paraview] steps to add class with ClientServer and Python wrapping

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Nov 9 15:12:57 EST 2017

I'd suggesting starting simple and just adding to existing modules in
ParaView. Once you are familiar with the CMake code, you can experiment
with adding separate modules.

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 1:55 PM, Kolja Petersen <petersenkolja at gmail.com>

> Thanks, I was missing those details about the modules system. I'll try
> your suggestions.
> Is the modules system documented somewhere? I don't remember reading
> anything about it in the ParaView Guide.
> Kolja
> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 7:38 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit <
> utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:
>> Where are you adding your classes? If you add them to one of the
>> "modules" e.g. ParaViewCore/VTKExtensions/Default, you'd only need to
>> add them to the CMakeLists.txt and they'd get wrapped. You'll then need to
>> add a XML config for the proxy e.g in ParaViewCore/ServerManager/
>> SMApplication/Resources/filters.xml. That should be it.
>> Another option is to add a new module. You can also add a new "module".
>> See `ParaViewCore/VTKExtensions/Points/`. You can have the source
>> directory external to your ParaView source, and in your build simply set
>> `PARAVIEW_EXTERNAL_MODULE_ROOTS` CMake cache variable in your ParaView
>> build to include the directory containing your new module's dir. You will
>> need to manually enable the module in CMakeLists.txt as well as ParaView
>> wont' enable it by default.
>> Utkarsh
>> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Kolja Petersen <petersenkolja at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Heya,
>>> I'd like to add some custom classes to paraview that should also be
>>> accessible through proxies on the client side. And a Python interface is
>>> also needed.
>>> I found that the classes that should be wrapped need to be listed in a
>>> few different CMakeLists.txt files in the paraview sources, and again in
>>> the scripts that take care of generating the wrappers. But I must have
>>> missed more, as I am getting more and more errors the more I try to fix.
>>> Which steps do I have to follow to implement a new class with wrapping?
>>> Thank you
>>> Kolja
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