[Paraview] basal surfaces to 3D volume

A andrealphus at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 13:07:58 EDT 2017

Alright, bare with me...

I have a series of 3D surfaces that represent the base of specific,
discrete, layers in a 3D volume. I have a top surface which bounds the
volume.  Specifically, I'm trying to create a 3D model of a mountain. The
top surface defines the topography, and all those basal surfaces define the
bottoms of specific rock-units.

I can load all these into paraview (they're just individual netcdf files
now), and visualize the separate surfaces.

What I want to do is to, for each basal surface, interpolate this unit
vertically-upward until it reaches the next overlying surface. So I can go
from a series of surfaces to an actual populated 3D structured/unstructured

I could do this by brute force in python, (interpolating all planes as
points into a 3D volume then, starting at the base of the model, looping
through each cell in the volume and extending it upwards) but was curious
if there might be a more elegant way (either in paraview or VTK).

Did that make any sense?
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