[Paraview] Overriding the maximal cylinder source resolution

Tomislav Maric tomislav.maric at gmx.com
Mon May 29 11:06:27 EDT 2017

Hello everyone,

I have exported the paraview trace into the attached script that
generates a cylinder source without caps, triangulates and saves an STL

I have noticed that the cylinder resolution can be prescribed to any
number in the python script:

    # create a new 'Cylinder'
    cylinder1 = Cylinder()

    # Properties modified on cylinder1 
    cylinder1.Resolution = 100000

And this number is reported by the print command as well


However, the actual resolution of the cylinder source never exceeds the
number 512. This I have figured out after manually inspecting the number
of triangles in the 'cylinder.stl' file generated by the attached script.

I have browsed the VTK code as well, but I could not find the point
where the maximal cylinder source resolution is restricted to 512.

My question is: can I somehow (in python, or in VTK) override the
resolution that is actually then applied to the cylinder? I am using
paraview version 4.4.0. Does it work in a newer paraview version?

Kind Regards,


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