[Paraview] Error when reading multiple spatially decomposed Exodus files

Steytler, Louis Louw steytle1 at illinois.edu
Thu May 25 15:20:30 EDT 2017


I am trying to read a set of spatially decomposed Exodus files as described here: http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/ParaView_Readers_and_Parallel_Data_Distribution

The ParaView client is being run on my laptop and the server on a remote visualization cluster. I am connecting to the server via a client-server connection.

When I do so I get the error:

ERROR: In /projects/pvdev/common/pv-source/v4.1.0_test/VTK/Common/DataModel/vtkDataObjectTree.cxx, line 377
vtkMultiBlockDataSet (0x7d96490): Structure does not match. You must use CopyStructure before calling this method.

multiple times. I running pvserver on one and many processes, each time getting the same error.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks very much,


Louis Steytler
Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1206 West Green Street
Urbana, Il 61801
steytle1 at illinois.edu
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