[Paraview] VTK classes not found in paraview

Vogel Dorian dorian.vogel at fhnw.ch
Wed May 17 08:52:12 EDT 2017

Hello all,

Based on http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Cxx/PolyData/PolyDataToImageData, I am converting polyData surfaces into vtkImage. Now that the process is stable, I would like to integrate the python script created in a paraview pipeline (first as a programmable filter).

However, many vtk classes are not found in Paraview (ether python shell or in programmable filters), such as vtkPolyDataToImageStencil.

Is there a way to have them ? Or is there a way to force Paraview to use the system's VTK and Python ?


Dorian Vogel
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