[Paraview] Bug or feature?

Cornelis Bockemühl cornelis.bockemuehl at gmail.com
Sat May 6 12:15:03 EDT 2017

Dear Paraview users and experts,

In some project I am generating a dataset that has a multi-component column
as a result, with a variable number of columns depending on the problem.
These data are "cell data" of some "unstructured grid", and I can nicely
visualize it in Paraview, component by component.

Only with the visualization as a "volume" I have problems: It seems that
with this you can only visualize the "magnitude", while switching between
the components does not work! This works only in other viewing modes, but
the "volume" is sometimes very useful because you can look "inside" the

Now I am asking myself if this is a bug (with a certain chance to have it
fixed or even fix it myself...) or a feature?

I mean: the fact that "magnitude" is the default for displaying
multi-component arrays already gives some hint in the direction: this type
of columns is mostly intended to be used as coordinates! Which is actually
not my case.

Technically I could of course switch to just generating a set of
single-component arrays instead of one multi-component array. I only did it
otherwise because the columns are very closely related, so it looked like a
good idea initially...

Any hint or experience?


PS: I am using Paraview 5.3 on Windows 64bit

Cornelis Bockemühl
Basel, Schweiz
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