[Paraview] **Deadline Extended** CFP: 3rd Annual Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV 2017)

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Mon Jul 17 18:16:46 EDT 2017

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Update: paper submission due date extended to 15 Aug 2017 23:59 AoE

ISAV 2017: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization

In cooperation with SIGHPC and held in conjunction with SC17: The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

            ISAV 2017 - http://vis.lbl.gov/Events/ISAV-2017/

         Full-day 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Sunday November 12th, 2017

Workshop Theme

The considerable interest in the HPC community regarding in situ analysis and visualization is  due to several factors. First is an I/O cost savings, where data is analyzed/visualized while  being generated, without first storing to a file system. Second is the potential for increased  accuracy, where fine temporal sampling of transient analysis might expose some complex behavior missed in coarse temporal sampling. Third is the ability to use all available resources, CPUs and accelerators, in the computation of analysis products.

The workshop brings together researchers, developers and practitioners from industry, academia, and government laboratories developing, applying, and deploying in situ methods in extreme-scale, high performance computing. The goal is to present research findings, lessons learned, and insights related to developing and applying in situ methods and infrastructure across a range of science and engineering applications in HPC environments; to discuss topics like opportunities presented by new architectures, existing infrastructure needs, requirements, and gaps, and experiences to foster and enable in situ analysis and visualization; to serve as a "center of gravity" for researchers, practitioners, and users/consumers of in situ methods and infrastructure in the HPC space.

Participation/Call for Papers and Oral Presentations

We invite two types of submissions to ISAV 2017: (1) short, 4-page papers that present research results, that identify opportunities or challenges, and that present case studies/best practices for in situ methods/infrastructure in the areas of data management, analysis and visualization; (2) lightning presentation submission, consisting of a 1- or 2-page submission, for a brief oral presentation at the workshop. 
Short papers will appear in the workshop proceedings and will be invited to give an oral presentation of 15 to 20 minutes; lightning round submissions that are invited to present at the workshop will have author names and titles included as part of the proceedings. Submissions of both types are welcome that fall within one or more areas of interest, as follows:

Areas of interest for ISAV, include, but are not limited to:

    In situ infrastructures

       * Current Systems: production quality, research prototypes
       * Opportunities
       * Gaps

    System resources, hardware, and emerging architectures

       * Enabling Hardware
       * Hardware and architectures that provide opportunities for in situ processing, such as burst buffers, staging computations on I/O nodes, sharing cores within a node for both simulation and in situ processing

    Methods/algorithms/applications/Case studies

       * Best practices
       * Analysis: feature detection, statistical methods, temporal methods, geometric methods
       * Visualization: information visualization, scientific visualization, time-varying methods
       * Data reduction/compression
       * Examples/case studies of solving a specific science challenge with in situ methods/infrastructure.


       * Integration: data modeling, software-engineering
       * Resilience: error detection, fault recovery
       * Workflows for supporting complex in situ processing pipelines


       * Preserve important elements
       * Significantly reduce the data size
       * Flexibility for post-processing exploration

Review Process

All submissions will undergo a peer-review process consisting of three reviews by experts in the field, and evaluated according to relevance to the workshop theme, technical soundness, creativity, originality, and impactfulness of method/results. Lightning round submissions will be evaluated primarily for relevance to the workshop.

Submission Process

Authors are invited to submit papers of at most 4 pages in PDF format, excluding references, and lightning presentations of at most 2 pages in PDF format, excluding references. Papers must be submitted in PDF format (readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 and higher) and formatted for 8.5" x 11" (U.S. Letter). Submissions are required in the ACM format (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) using the sample-sigconf template and submitted via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isav17). No changes to the margins, spacing, or font sizes as specified by the style file are allowed.

Papers must be self-contained and provide the technical substance required for the program committee to evaluate their contributions. Submitted papers must be original work that has not appeared in and is not under consideration for another conference or a journal. See the ACM Prior Publication Policy for more details (http://www.acm.org/publications/policies/). Papers can be submitted at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isav17.

Publication in proceedings, presentation at the workshop

All paper submissions that receive favorable reviews will be included as part of the workshop proceedings, which will be published through SIGHPC along with other SC17 workshop proceedings in the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore. Lightning round submissions will not be included as part of the proceedings.

Subject to the constraints of workshop length, some subset of the accepted publications will be invited to give a brief oral presentation at the workshop. The exact number of such presentations and their length will be determined after the review process has been completed.

Timeline/Important Dates

   15 August 2017      Paper submission deadline
   15 September 2017   Author notification
   30 September 2017   Camera ready copy due
   15 October 2017     Final program posted to ISAV web page
   12 November 2017    ISAV 2017 workshop at SC17

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