[Paraview] [Non-DoD Source] XDMF crash

Burns, Andrew J CTR USARMY RDECOM ARL (US) andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil
Wed Jan 25 14:01:19 EST 2017

The load time is because Paraview needs a moment to load the data for the new timestep in. When you switch variables all the data is in memory already.

This is done because Paraview is designed to work with large datasets. For higher scale implementations it wouldn't be feasible to have all grids loaded in memory simultaneously.

From my knowledge, Paraview actually does check if the geometry is reused and doesn't reload it if that is the case. However, it still needs to do some conversions behind the scenes when it loads a timestep.


-----Original Message-----
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Frisch
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 1:44 PM
To: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] [Non-DoD Source] XDMF crash

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I already tried XPath pointers, but it takes a few seconds in ParaView when I click to the next time frame --- whereas it takes only 0.1s to change the color when I switch the Active Variable for the ColorMap in ParaView's dropdown. 
I thought using SubSet, ParaView might "recognize" that it is actually all the same geometry. 
But meanwhile I assume ParaView always thinks the geometry might change between timeframes and takes much time for switching between timeframes no matter what file format I use. 

2017-01-25 19:24 GMT+01:00 Burns, Andrew J CTR USARMY RDECOM ARL (US) <andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil < Caution-mailto:andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil > >:

	From my understanding of your method, you want to use the progression of "time" to iterate across attribute displays?
	You don't need GridType="Subset" for that (and I don't think Xdmf3 uses that designation anyway). Just use XPointers to point the grids to the topology and geometry of the first one.
	Andrew Burns
	Software Engineer | SAIC
	Phone: 410-306-0409 < tel:410-306-0409 > 
	andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil < Caution-mailto:andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil > 
	-----Original Message-----
	From: ParaView [Caution-mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org < Caution-mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org > ] On Behalf Of Daniel Frisch
	Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 1:14 PM
	To: paraview at paraview.org < Caution-mailto:paraview at paraview.org > 
	Subject: Re: [Paraview] [Non-DoD Source] XDMF crash
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	Hello Mr. Burns, thank you very much for your helpful answer. I changed the XDMF file. But now I have another question.
	Now I have problems with GridType="SubSet". ParaView doesn't view the second and third timestep. Their grids are referenced as SubSet from the first grid.
	This is the reason why I am doing all this: I want ParaView change the color on a static, fixed, large geometry as quickly as if I switched the surface coloring variable in the Active Variables Controls dropdown, but using the time playback features. It is very inconvenient to change the "timestep" by selecting an other variable in a Color Map drop-down menu with thousands of entries. Is this even possible in ParaView?
	This is my XDMF content:
	<?xml version="1.0" ?>
	<Grid CollectionType="Temporal" GridType="Collection" Name="TimeSeriesGrid">
	<Grid GridType="Uniform" Name="MainGrid">
	<Time Value="0"/>
	<Topology NumberOfElements="8" TopologyType="Triangle">
	<DataItem DataType="Int" Dimensions="8 3" Format="XML">2 5 1    2 6 5    2 7 6    2 3 7    8 7 3    4 8 3    1 5 4    8 4 5</DataItem>
	<Geometry GeometryType="XYZ">
	<DataItem Dimensions="9 3" Format="XML">-1 1 2    0 0 0    1 0 0    1 1 0    0 1 0    0 0 1    1 0 1    1 1 .2    0 1 .2</DataItem>
	<Attribute Center="Node" Name="Values">
	<DataItem Dimensions="9" Format="XML">0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1</DataItem>
	<Grid GridType="Subset" Name="T1" Section="All">
	<Grid Name="Target" Reference="XML">/Xdmf/Domain/Grid/Grid[@Name="MainGrid"]</Grid>
	<Time Value="0.5"/>
	<Attribute Center="Node" Name="Values">
	<DataItem Dimensions="9" Format="XML">0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8</DataItem>
	<Grid GridType="Subset" Name="T2" Section="All">
	<Grid Name="Target" Reference="XML">/Xdmf/Domain/Grid/Grid[@Name="MainGrid"]</Grid>
	<Time Value="1"/>
	<Attribute Center="Node" Name="Values">
	<DataItem Dimensions="9" Format="XML">8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0</DataItem>
	2017-01-25 16:58 GMT+01:00 Burns, Andrew J CTR USARMY RDECOM ARL (US) <andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil < Caution-mailto:andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil >  < Caution-Caution-mailto:andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil < Caution-mailto:andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil >  > >:
	        This is because the Xdmf3 reader does not support the Hyperslab Timetype. One Time item per grid is the preferred method.
	        Andrew Burns
	        Software Engineer | SAIC
	        Phone: 410-306-0409 < tel:410-306-0409 >  < tel:410-306-0409 < tel:410-306-0409 >  >
	        ARL DSRC
	        andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil < Caution-mailto:andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil >  < Caution-Caution-mailto:andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil < Caution-mailto:andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil >  >
	        -----Original Message-----
	        From: ParaView [Caution-Caution-mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org < Caution-mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org >  < Caution-Caution-mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org < Caution-mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org >  > ] On Behalf Of Daniel Frisch
	        Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 8:25 AM
	        To: paraview at paraview.org < Caution-mailto:paraview at paraview.org >  < Caution-Caution-mailto:paraview at paraview.org < Caution-mailto:paraview at paraview.org >  >
	        Subject: [Non-DoD Source] [Paraview] XDMF crash
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	        I generated the following XDMF file and tried to open it in ParaView. When I open it, I get a dialog with three readers to choose:
	        - XDMF reader
	        - XDMF3 reader
	        - XDMF3 reader (Top Level Partition)
	        I can open the file with "XDMF reader", but when I open it with the other two readers, ParaView (5.1.0 64-bit Mac) crashes.
	        Application Specific Information:
	        terminating with uncaught exception of type XdmfError: 'Value' not in itemProperties in XdmfTime::populateItem
	        abort() called
	        But I generated the file according to this recommendation < Caution-Caution-Caution-http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats#Reading_a_time_varying_Raw_file_into_Paraview < Caution-http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats#Reading_a_time_varying_Raw_file_into_Paraview >  < Caution-Caution-http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats#Reading_a_time_varying_Raw_file_into_Paraview < Caution-http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats#Reading_a_time_varying_Raw_file_into_Paraview >  >  >  and according to the XDMF3 < Caution-Caution-Caution-http://www.xdmf.org/index.php/XDMF_Model_and_Format < Caution-http://www.xdmf.org/index.php/XDMF_Model_and_Format >  < Caution-Caution-http://www.xdmf.org/index.php/XDMF_Model_and_Format < Caution-http://www.xdmf.org/index.php/XDMF_Model_and_Format >  >  >  standard. When I try to open this public example < Caution-Caution-Caution-http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats#Reading_a_time_varying_Raw_file_into_Paraview < Caution-http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats#Reading_a_time_varying_Raw_file_into_Paraview >  < Caution-Caution-http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats#Reading_a_time_varying_Raw_file_into_Paraview < Caution-http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats#Reading_a_time_varying_Raw_file_into_Paraview >  >  >  with XDMF3 in ParaView, it crashes, too.

	        Now this is the content of my XDMF file:
	        <?xml version="1.0" ?>
	                <Topology NumberOfElements="8" TopologyType="Triangle">
	                    <DataItem DataType="Int" Dimensions="8 3" Format="XML">2 5 1    2 6 5    2 7 6    2 3 7    8 7 3    4 8 3    1 5 4    8 4 5</DataItem>
	                <Geometry GeometryType="XYZ">
	                    <DataItem Dimensions="9 3" Format="XML">-1 1 2    0 0 0    1 0 0    1 1 0    0 1 0    0 0 1    1 0 1    1 1 .2    0 1 .2</DataItem>
	                <Grid CollectionType="Temporal" GridType="Collection" Name="TimeSeriesGrid">
	                    <Time TimeType="HyperSlab">
	                        <DataItem Dimensions="3" Format="XML" NumberType="Float">0.0 1.0 2</DataItem>
	                    <Grid GridType="Uniform" Name="T1">
	                        <Topology Reference="/Xdmf/Domain/Topology[1]"/>
	                        <Geometry Reference="/Xdmf/Domain/Geometry[1]"/>
	                        <Attribute Center="Node" Name="Values">
	                            <DataItem Dimensions="9" Format="XML">0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8</DataItem>
	                    <Grid GridType="Uniform" Name="T2">
	                        <Topology Reference="/Xdmf/Domain/Topology[1]"/>
	                        <Geometry Reference="/Xdmf/Domain/Geometry[1]"/>
	                        <Attribute Center="Node" Name="Values">
	                            <DataItem Dimensions="9" Format="XML">8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0</DataItem>

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