[Paraview] ParaviewWeb on EC2

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Fri Jan 20 10:46:57 EST 2017

Thanks Claude for your feedback and I'm happy to ear that's working.

We haven't moved to Ubuntu 16.04 so far due to the lack of time and the
fact that services management is different.

For Ubuntu 14.04, you can use our ansible provisioning script here:
But as I said, it won't fully work on 16.04, but if you are up for it, you
can always fix it for 16.04 and contribute back.

Moreover, we still have some manual step for the driver as the user should
pick the right driver.

You might also find some useful information here too:

Good luck,


On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 8:33 AM, claude <claude at theweak.link> wrote:

> Hi Sebastien,
> sorry to make you dig into old memories :S
> so far I have been able to achieve the goals thanks to the documentation
> and help. Last thing I tried was to connect the visualizer to pv server in
> parallel. The help contents (--help) of bin/pvserver and the
> pvw-visualizer.py helped me to figure it out (all I had to do is use
> "reverse connection" and have pvserver connect to paraviewweb).
> I don't think it's possible to document every single possibility and
> that's where the code quality+comment and built-in help are very useful and
> complete. I will let you know if I find anything but so far so amazingly
> good.
> Regarding the EC2 at startup (pvw-start service running /data/start.sh),
> only DNS_NAME (ec2-xxxx-compute1-amazonaws.com) is fetched and replaced
> in the {apache/launcher}-TEMPLATE.{conf/json} files. I didn't see any
> other variable in there.
> After checking with JSONLint, the launcher JSON file is indeed valid.
> Paying more attention to the network requests, I don't see the failed GET
> and WS switching protocol requests anymore. Even more strange, when I move
> the camera, I can see the stack of black/blank frames being send by the
> server (axis are not visible either).
> By the way I used this config:
> * apache.conf
>   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^sessionId=(.*)&path=(.*)$ [NC]
>   RewriteRule ^/proxy.*$ ws://${session-to-port:%1}/%2 [P]
> * launcher.json
>   "sessionURL" : "ws://DNS_NAME/proxy?sessionId=${id}&path=ws",
> As I am writing this, I just restarted the instance (terminate+launch)
> instead of reboot and it is now working... I went back to see the logs of
> failed remote viewing and I can now see this at the very end (after proper
> launching and everything):
> XIO:  fatal IO error 0 (Success) on X server ":0.0"
> So here is what I am guessing:
> - I messed up something in the config files yesterday as I didn't get to
> that point
> - rebooting the instance doesn't start X properly, which fails to render
> the 3D view and explains why the frames are blank but everything else is
> fine.
> - somehow re-launching the instance starts X properly.
> I am puzzled but also happy that it seems to be working :)
> Do you know what would be the reasons for this issue with X? Since I
> started from the pv AMI, I didn't have to install any drivers nor configure
> the display. Maybe I'll try a fresh AMI with ubuntu-16 and install the
> drivers nvidia-367 to see if I encounter similar issues with X.
> Thanks for the pointers Sebastien.
> cheers,
> Claude
> On 01/19/2017 06:19 PM, Sebastien Jourdain wrote:
> Hi Claude,
> I'm glad you like our doc and code. If you feel we are missing something
> that is not obvious, please report it so we can fix it.
> Regarding your issue, you had a good reflex in fixing apache and the
> launcher config, as with PV5.2 we use a second ws connection for streaming
> the images in binary format. But it has been forever since I setup that
> ami, I have very little memory of what was setup.
> I do know that we use 'sed' to dynamically replace some string so the
> proper HOST for apache and the launcher get used, but I don't remember if
> it was DNS_NAME or something else. But from what I understand, you've
> done exactly what I would have done myself.
> I'm wondering if when you edited your launcher config you managed to
> produce an invalid JSON file. (You can paste it here http://jsonlint.com/
> to be sure)
> Moreover, seeing the network calls of the web page that don't even load
> might be useful. I'd be curious to see the response of the POST on
> /paraview.
> Seb
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 5:01 PM, claude <claude at theweak.link> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Following up one of the previous thread on setting up
>> ParaviewWeb+Visualizer, I am trying to get it going on AWS EC2 with
>> paraview-5.2. Maybe someone already went through it and know how to
>> solve this little problem?
>> * I launched the public AMI (ami-34f3f65e) on Ubuntu-14 with paraviewweb
>> 4.4 which seemed like a good starting point.
>> * I tested the visualizer on paraviewweb-4.4 and works perfectly.
>> * I downloaded paraviewweb-5.2 and updated the 'pv' and 'www' symlinks
>> under /data folder (see 'aws_data_dir' snapshot attached).
>> * I also updated the paths in the start.sh, apache-TEMPLATE.conf and
>> launcher-TEMPLATE.json files so that they reflect the correct path for
>> paraview-5.2 (which are bit different than paraview-4.4). By the way,
>> having start.sh running as a service at startup configuring properly the
>> TEMPLATE files with the proper DNS name is admirable (each time I look
>> at the doc, config files or code, I am amazed by the quality of it,
>> thumb up!).
>> * when I navigate to the EC2 DNS, the Visualizer comes up and I can
>> browse for data files. The files seem to successfully load but nothing
>> show up in the camera (see snapshot 'aws_ec2_visu'). Looking at the logs
>> on the machine, they don't report any error (and look similar to what I
>> can get locally on my machine). There is a couple of errors showing up
>> in the web console though (in the snapshot attached).
>> It looks like I am very close to make it work, I am probably missing
>> something obvious.
>> I tried the following to solve it by using my configuration on my local
>> machine:
>> 1. update the apache-TEMPLATE.conf with the following rules:
>> RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^sessionId=(.*)&path=(.*)$ [NC]
>> RewriteRule ^/proxy.*$ ws://${session-to-port:%1}/%2 [P]
>> 2. update the launcher-TEMPLATE.json with the following line:
>> "sessionURL" : "ws://DNS_NAME/proxy?sessionId=${id}&path=ws",
>> 3. reboot (so that the files get updated)
>> but this time the UI doesn't even load, meaning I made it worse.
>> It seems just like a websocket connection issue, right?
>> Thanks in advance for any ideas to try.
>> cheers
>> claude
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