[Paraview] Paraview Vtu to Exodus. Single block, multi element?

Andi Hartarto andi3173 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 18:58:05 EST 2017

Hi all, i need help please.

My problem is that I need to convert a vtu file into an exodus formatted
file that reads several element block data.
When I load my data in vtu, all i see is a white cubic block.
This block has 2 data arrays named tetrahedra rank and tetrahedra number.
When I change my coloring to tetrahedra rank, I can see 2 colors red and
blue coloring my block.

I want to save the vtu file into an exodus format file and load it to
another software but the other software only shows me the output of colors
if there are several element blocks.
 In my case, the vtu file converted to exodus has only 1 element block.
In paraview, I can go properties, add the variables of tetrahedra rank and
then change coloring then i see what i want to see.
But in the software I am supposed to load the data, I can't do that.
Im supposed to make my exodus data into 2 or more element blocks and then
load it in that software which makes the software goes "ok so there are
various data ! lets color it".

I don't know what should i do to change my vtu file with cell data of
tetrahedra rank clearly showing the 2 data sets into 2 element blocks.
I have tried to use edit> find data> extract selection > repeat for the
next > group the data.
I get a multi block data set. It didn't work. I need 1 block data set with
2 or more element data inside it.

Please help,
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