[Paraview] Find Data bug

Jyrki Hokkanen jyrki.hokkanen at csc.fi
Thu Jan 5 09:23:45 EST 2017


Please check this ParaView 5.2.0 bug related to "Find Data" dialog and 
point selection, tested on Kitware linux and windows binaries:

Create one "Sources" sphere, theta and phi resolution set to 800. 
Selecting half of the points with a mouse using "Select Points Through" 
method takes a second or two.

Now open "Find Data" window, and just close it without doing any 
selection query. After this, selecting the same amount of points takes a 
minute or so.

This bug was not present on version 5.1.2.


Jyrki Hokkanen PhD
Digital Image and Computer Graphics Specialist
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.

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