[Paraview] upgrading reader module/plugin

Mark Olesen Mark.Olesen at esi-group.com
Wed Jan 4 09:48:26 EST 2017

I'm currently upgrading a reader module from using a pqAutoGeneratedObjectPanel to a using a property group widget (as per http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Plugin_HowTo#Adding_Customizations_for_Properties_Panel).

I have my bunch of properties in a PropertyGroup and have a panel_widget associated with them. Everything loads up, and using printf() I can verify that the property values are all being updated.
However, not only does it seems rather clunky, I cannot get the "Apply" button on the property panel to notice when the property values have been updated.

Here's a basic sketch of what I have:

// Get the property from the group (with down-cast):
    interpolateFields_ = group->GetProperty("interpolate");

// Provide a checkbox as widget for it - two-column layout.
  QCheckBox* b = new QCheckBox(prop->GetXMLLabel(), this);
  form->addWidget(b, row, col, Qt::AlignLeft);

// Connect to slot:
    connect(b, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(interpolateFields(bool)));

// This is ugly, but seems to be needed???

// And the slot itself
void interpolateFields(bool checked)
    interpolateFields_->SetElement(0, checked);
    // this->setModified();
    //^^^ used to work with pqAutoGeneratedObjectPanel

I used to rely on the setModified() method from the pqAutoGeneratedObjectPanel, but now can't seem to get from the SMproxy to the pqProxy or whatever.

Or am I going about this entirely the wrong way?
FWIW, here are the relevant sub-entries from the XML, in case there is something missing there:

      <BooleanDomain name="bool"/>

    label="General Controls"
    <Property name="InterpolateFields"/>

Unfortunately, the  Examples/Plugins/PropertyWidgets is a bit scanty here.

Thanks for any advice,


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