[Paraview] Optimus and Windows 10

Paul Melis paul.melis at surfsara.nl
Tue Dec 5 04:06:47 EST 2017


In our paraview course two weeks ago we had a student that had trouble 
running Paraview 5.4.1 (official windows 64-bit binaries) under windows 
10. The symptoms were that the main menu bar was invisible and that the 
mouse cursor did not match up with the position of the click event, 
making it very hard to do anything. It seemed the menu bar somehow had 
shifted under the window title bar, causing the misalignment.

As this laptop was an optimus system we figured it might have something 
to do with that. After some fiddling we found that right-clicking on 
paraview.exe and picking Run with graphics processor -> High-performance 
NVIDIA processor solved the problem.

Is this a known issue?



Paul Melis
| Visualization group leader & developer | SURFsara |
| Science Park 140 | 1098 XG Amsterdam |
| T 020 800 1312 | paul.melis at surfsara.nl | www.surfsara.nl |

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