[Paraview] Rendering/Screenshot with "deep color" (REPOST)

Jonathan Borduas jonathan.borduas at caboma.com
Wed Aug 9 12:52:34 EDT 2017

Dear Paraviewers,

As seen in the attached image, we can see the transitions between the different grays that occur with a 24bits-per-pixel screenshot export of ParaView.
While most image editing software and printer support 32bits-per-pixel such as Ms Paint and Photoshop.

Most GPU manufacturers call that "deep color". Some display already have 30bpp/10bpc.

Is there a setting available to configure the image bit depth (Bit Per Pixel, Bit Per Channel) in ParaView ?
If no, is there any short time plans to integrate the control over the bit depth ?

Best regards,

Jonathan Borduas

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