[Paraview] ParaviewWeb on EC2

Evans, Llion Llion.Evans at ukaea.uk
Wed Aug 9 08:32:53 EDT 2017

Hi Seb/Claude,

Hopefully this should be an easy answer.

I’ve been trying to get Visualizer up and running on aws. I used the ami mentioned below (ami-34f3f65e) and can load the page in a browser which brings up the 'ParaViewWeb' logo and a spinning cog. After a short while I get an error message 'Session did not start before timeout expired. Check session logs.'

Other than installing a local browser I've not changed much of anything on the AMI. What am I doing wrong? I assume it's something simple that I'm missing, like do I need to drop in a dataset somewhere before it'll even load the page?

Kind regards,

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