[Paraview] Dynamic colouring of the geometry in the animation, of warped eigenmodes

Juha Kortelainen juha_kortelainen at welho.net
Tue Aug 8 12:32:02 EDT 2017

Hello all,

Thank you, Cory and Ken, for your answers. The trick with the Calculator 
and WarpByVector filters was what I was originally looking for as a 
quick solution, but when I tried some examples with the Programmable 
filter, I found it a very useful way to implement filters for relatively 
simple and light data processing. Though, I still need to study more 
about the details to make my Programmable filter to really work for my case.

     - Juha -



As Cory said you can create a plugin to replicate this behavior, but I believe you can also get similar behavior through a collection of filters. Although this is a bit cumbersome, you can try the following steps:

1. Before applying the WarpByVector filter, add the Calculator filter to your data. Set the "Result Array Name" to "OriginalCoords" and the expression to simply "coords". This will capture the point coordinates before warping.
2. Apply WarpByVector to this calculator filter as you did before to the FEM data.
3. Apply another Calculator filter to the output of WarpByVector. This time, set the "Result Array Name" to "ActualDisplacement" and the expression to "coords-OriginalCoords". This will capture the actual displacement applied after the scale factor is used.
4. Color your data by the "ActualDispalcement" field.
5. Set up your animation of the "ScaleFactor" for the WarpByVector filter as you did before.

You should now see "dynamic" colors based on the magnitude of the actual displacement.


-----Original Message-----
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org 
<http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview>] On Behalf Of Cory Quammen
Sent: Monday, August 7, 2017 7:27 AM
To: Juha Kortelainen <juha_kortelainen at welho.net 
Cc: ParaView <paraview at paraview.org 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Dynamic colouring of the geometry in the animation of warped eigenmodes

On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 1:30 PM, Juha Kortelainen <juha_kortelainen at welho.net 
<http://public.kitware.com/mailman/listinfo/paraview>> wrote:
>/Hi all, />//>/I’m using the warp filter to visualise the computed eigenmodes of a />/structure (computed using a FEM code). Animating the eigenmodes works />/fine with the WarpByVector filter using the ScalarFactor as the />/animation variable. In addition to animating the deformation of the />/structure, I would like to apply colouring of the deformation vector />/field on the geometry so that the colour would change dynamically />/according to the magnitude of deformation during the animation. This />/can be done with the Salome platform’s ParaViS modile (a modified />/version of ParaView), which has an additional ScaleVector filter to do />/the colouring trick. Can this dynamic colouring be done with standard 
ParaView and if so, how is it done? /
Yes, with some work. Take a look at this blog post for the general

Basically, you can create XML plugins based on the Programmable Filter that feature some properties, such as a scale factor. The scale factor property should be exposed in the animation controls. Within your Programmable Filter script, you can perform the scaling of the vector with that scale factor property value. There are many examples of Python scripts for the Programmable Filter in Section 13.3 the ParaView Guide to get you started.


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Cory Quammen
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