[Paraview] save filter result

Zenker, Dr. Matthias Matthias.Zenker at erbe-med.com
Mon Sep 26 09:11:05 EDT 2016


I want to visualize the gradient of a potential, calculated in 3D, on a slice, with some coputours. My workflow is:

*         Open dataset (vtu),

*         apply "gradient of unstructured dataset" filter,

*         apply calculator to compute the magnitude of the gradient,

*         apply slice filter,

*         apply contour filter.
Since it takes some time to calculate gradient, magnitude and extract the slice, I would like to save the result in a file so that I can open it instantaneously later. How do I do that? If I just use "save data", ParaView saves all the data, including the initial potential values, which gives a huge file. Is there a way to just save the result of the calculator, or better, of the slice filter?
I have tried with the extract selection filter, but I seem not to manage to extract the results I want. How can I do that?

Thanks for a hint,


Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH Firmensitz: 72072 Tuebingen Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian O. Erbe, Reiner Thede Registergericht: Stuttgart HRB 380137

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