[Paraview] Combination of polygonal-data and unstructured grid?

Stefan Melber Stefan.Melber at DLR.de
Mon Sep 26 01:11:29 EDT 2016


i have a question how to create volume data with complex shaped 
elements. An example of the "problem" is using the sphere-source and cut 
the resulting sphere you will get only the shell (because polydata is 
surface-data!) but not the enclosed volume. On the other side using 
unstructured grid data (e.g. for a box) and cut this one you will get 
the shell and the volume.

My problem is now i have a set of complex shaped volumes (dual-grid 
data) which cannot be found in the list of cell types for unstructured 
grid data. Therefore i use the polygonal data and color each cell with 
one color. Of course for further analysis (e.g. integration of the cell 
volumes, volume gradient and so on) i need a way to give a set of 
(closed surface) poly-data elements a kind connection to form a volume 
to handle them together.

Is there a way to perform this task?



                      _/ *Dr. Stefan Melber-Wilkending*
                  _/  _/             Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-
          _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/         und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
        _/    _/    _/    _/
      _/    _/    _/    _/             German Aerospace Center
    _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/              Institute of Aerodynamics
          _/  _/  _      _               and Flow Technology
          _/_/   | \ |  |_|           Transport Aircraft Branch
          _/     |_/ |_ | \
                                          Lilienthalplatz 7
  Fields of activities:                  38108 Braunschweig
  o Numerical Windtunnel Simulation
  o Aero-Acoustic Windtunnel Design    Phone : +49 531/295-2836
  o Numerical Optimization             Fax. .: +49 531/295-2914
  o Visualization Techniques
  o High-Lift Aerodynamics           Email : Stefan.Melber at DLR.de
  o Glider-Aerodynamics              Web ..: http://www.dlr.de/AS


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