[Paraview] Precise location of contours on boundaries

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Fri Sep 9 15:35:08 EDT 2016


This may or may not be what you are asking for, but you should be able to get the exact location of the contour on the boundaries by first extracting the boundary and then running the contours on the boundary. This will give you the contours on the boundary only.

How you get the boundary depends on the type of data you have. Based on the question and the image you provided, I am assuming that you are talking about contours on 2D data. If your 2D data is poly data, you can get the boundary by running the “Feature Edges” filter and turning on the “Boundary Edges” option (while turning off all the rest). If you have some other 2D data (such as an image), you can first convert it to poly data with the “Extract Surface” filter and then follow the previous step of using the “Feature Edges” filter. Then just run the contour filter on the result of the feature edges and that will give you the exact position of the contours on the boundaries. You can then open up a spreadsheet view to view the exact locations of those contours.


From: ParaView <paraview-bounces at paraview.org> on behalf of Saideep Pavuluri <Saideep.Pavuluri at pet.hw.ac.uk>
Date: Friday, September 9, 2016 at 11:28 AM
To: "paraview at paraview.org" <paraview at paraview.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] Precise location of contours on boundaries

Hi guys;

Is there a way to know the precise location of a contour on the boundaries (as shown in picture)? I use the  traditional tool “ruler”, however when I have too many points to measure (as in the figure) by hand it gets complicated.

I tried using the integrate variables(selecting the contour) however, the block numbering isn’t consistent and I particularly want values only at the boundaries. I am dealing with meniscus and it has a specific curvature based on flow.

Any advice here.

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